Upcoming meetings

The East Arnhem Regional Council
Ordinary Meeting
dates for 2025 are as follows:

  • 20 February
  • 30 April
  • 26 June
  • 21 August
  • 30 October
  • 11 December


Agendas are available 3 business days before the meeting is scheduled. They are published in the Council Meetings page. 


A copy of the minutes will be published on our website within 10 business days after the meeting.

Frequently asked questions

  • Where are Council Meetings held?

    Elected Members of East Arnhem routinely meet as Council every two months. These meetings are rotated throughout all East Arnhem Regional Council Communities and usually run for a day, along with workshop days. 

    Special Council Meetings are convened when required; however, due to the costs, remoteness and distances between communities, special meetings are often conducted via teleconference.

  • Where can I see the Agendas and Minutes for Council Meetings?

    Council’s meeting agendas and minutes can be downloaded as a PDF from this page. Copies of minutes and agendas are also available for print at any of East Arnhem Regional Council’s public offices.

    A copy of the minutes will be made available within 10 business days after the dates of the meeting to which they relate. Minutes marked as 'unconfirmed' indicate that the minutes are complete, but will not be confirmed as a correct record of that meeting until the following Council/Committee meeting adopts them.

  • How many Elected Members are required for a Quorum?

    In order for a meeting to take place the majority of the Council’s Members must be in attendance. If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the time appointed for a meeting, the meeting is postponed to a time and place to be fixed by the CEO and notified to the Members.

  • Can the public attend Council Meetings?

    East Arnhem Regional Council encourages the attendance by the general public to observe Committee, Ordinary and Special Council Meetings. At times, however, the public will be excluded from meetings when business of a kind classified by the regulations as ‘confidential business’ is considered.

  • What happens if there's a conflict of interest?

    From time to time, Elected Member(s) may have a conflict of interest with a question arising for decision by the Council, a Committee or a Local Authority. 

    As soon as possible after a member becomes aware of a conflict of interest in a question that has arisen or is about to arise before the Council, Local Authority or Council Committee, the Member must disclose the personal or financial interest that gives rise to the conflict.

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