News & Events

What's on in community











Yirrkala Vet Visit



Gunyangara Vet Visit






Milingbimbi Vet Visit



Gapuwiyak Vet Visit





11:30am Ramingining LA Meeting


11:30am Milingimbi LA Meeting


Finance Committee Meeting


11:30am Galiwin'ku LA Meeting


11:30am Gapuwiyak LA Meeting




Galiwin'ku Vet Visit

11:30am Milyakburra LA Meeting


11:30am Angurugu LA Meeting


11:30am Umbakumba LA Meeting


11:30am Yirrkala LA Meeting


11:30am Gunyangara LA Meeting




Yirrkala & Gunyangara Vet Visit







Latest news

2024 Solver of the Year Awards
February 27, 2025
We're thrilled to announce the East Arnhem Regional Council (EARC) has received the Snap Send Solve Customer Experience Award in the 2024 Solver of the Year Awards for the Northern Territory.
February 12, 2025
In February, East Arnhem Regional Council held a special Citizenship Ceremony at Groote Eylandt Lodge, welcoming 2 new Australian Citizens.
January 22, 2025
East Arnhem Regional Council’s AFLX Under 15 Boys Regional Championship was held on Tuesday 17 December 2024.
Nhulunbuy town centre
December 20, 2024
Follow up Notice to the Nhulunbuy and wider Gove Peninsula communities.
December 18, 2024
The team at East Arnhem Regional Council would like to wish everyone a happy festive season.
December 16, 2024
Our Youth Sport and Recreation School Holiday Programs kick off this week with activities in Angurugu, Galiwin’ku, Gapuwiyak, Milingimbi, Ramingining and Yirrkala.
December 12, 2024
2024 has been a massive year for the East Arnhem Regional Council Animal Management Team. Our veterinary trips have officially finished for the year.
A man in a wheelchair holds a painting of a black cockatoo. A woman is next to him.
December 9, 2024
NDIS participant Peter Bayaka likes to spend his time painting at the East Arnhem Regional Council Age Care and Disability Services Center in Milingimbi.
December 6, 2024
Notice to the Nhulunbuy and wider Gove Peninsula communities.
December 3, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council (EARC) is proud to have received 13 Awards at the Territory Sustainable Community Tidy Towns Awards 2024.
December 2, 2024
Our Animal Management Program Team visited Schools in Yirrkala, Galiwin'ku, Ramingining and Gunyangara to run animal education sessions.
November 27, 2024
Words: Dale Keehne
A portrait of a man
November 6, 2024
Words: Dale Keehne I am pleased to be able to announce the outcome of the latest discussions on Tuesday 5 November to develop our Enterprise Bargaining Agreement between United Workers Union officials and other employee representatives, our Enterprise Bargaining Advisor and myself as CEO. These discussions were scheduled to take place many weeks ago as the next key step to progress discussions. I would like to thank Fair Work Commissioner Riordan who facilitated these very constructive and positive discussions to help us all reach agreement. There are a range of improvements to our workers’ salaries and conditions that I have already recently introduced to ensure our workers’ can begin to benefit from them. These improvements include a 4 per cent increase to salaries and Locality, as well the Outdoor, Apply First Aid, Sleepover and Meal Allowances, increasing the starting wages for all our Level 1 employees, the provision of Apply First Aid Allowances to our Community Night Patrol and Sobering Up Shelter workers, the increase in paid parental leave from 8 to 10 weeks, and an additional $7,000 payment to Level 8 Council Services Managers for extra hours worked. Council had also committed to a 3 per cent pay increase in 2025 and another 3 per cent increase in 2026. These improved conditions will also be included in the new proposed Enterprise Bargaining Agreement if it is approved by workers in the next few weeks. Additional changes that we have made to the proposed Agreement are: the addition of a fourth year to the agreement with a further 3 per cent pay increase from 1 July 2027 and a corresponding increase in the Locality, Outdoor, Apply First Aid, Sleepover and Meal Allowances; back pay for the 2024 4 per cent pay increase from 1 July to 19 September, more flexibility in approving the Bi-lingual Allowance; recognition that Individual Flexibility Arrangements could include changes in daily hours of work and days on which work is undertaken where agreed by an employee and the Council; and, outside the agreement, the increase of the proposed Air Conditioning Subsidy when staff are on leave and their Council provided housing is vacant from $25 to $50 a week. I look forward to putting the proposed Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, with the support of the United Workers Union and other employee representatives, to all workers to consider and vote on, so we can gain formal endorsement of the wide range of improvements to our workers’ salaries and conditions. I take this opportunity to thank the United Workers Union and employee representatives for their hard work and their representation during the agreement discussions and negotiations. As an ex-trade union official for many years, it gives me great satisfaction as CEO for us to unite to support our highly valued workers. Dale Keehne CEO
Five first nations dancers
November 6, 2024
The Gattjirrk Festival, founded by East Arnhem Regional Council's President Lapulung Dhamarrandji , recently celebrated its 42nd anniversary.
November 5, 2024
3,176.64 tonnes of scrap metal have been recycled as part of our ongoing Scrap Metal Recovery Project.
October 21, 2024
The election of the Groote Archipelago Regional Council (GARC) has been postponed from 26 October 2024 to 15 March 2025. The new Minister for Local Government has decided to postpone the election in light of concerns of community members that there were no electoral wards for the election of the 7 GARC Councillors. East Arnhem Regional Council understands and has raised this concern itself in previous months. On behalf of EARC I would like to assure all the people of the Groote Archipelago that we will continue to deliver all current and planned projects, initiatives and services to each of the three Groote communities. EARC will continue to meet with the three Local Authorities, to continue to listen and be guided by the voices of the people in the three communities of Milyakburra, Umbakumba and Angurugu and their related homelands. I would like to thank all our EARC workers in the three Groote Archipelago communities who continue to deliver the wide range of quality services to the Groote communities, with the support of our Regional based managers and staff in Nhulunbuy and Darwin. This is happening based on agreement to a request by the GARC Constituting Member for EARC to continue to deliver services to the GARC area from when it was officially declared on 1 September 2024 until the election of a new Groote Council. EARC will then continue to deliver services under an Agreement for Services from the election of a Groote Council now scheduled to be declared in April 2025, for all Local Government and Support Services and other Community Services through existing contracts with EARC. As the Agreement for Services is due to start 5 months later from April 2025, the nominated end date of 30 June 2025 (or a later agreed date), may well have to be considerably later. EARC will also continue to discuss closely with the new NT Government what funding is actually needed to ensure the maintenance of service delivery levels across the whole East Arnhem region, at whatever point in the future the Groote Archipelago Regional Council is due to actually deliver services itself. EARC can confirm that when employees are finally due to move from working for EARC to GARC, that the standard of their current salary and conditions will not be reduced, in line with National Employment Standards to protect workers through transfer of business. Dale Keehne Chief Executive Officer East Arnhem Regional Council
Six women standing together. Two in the middle are holding CQI awards
October 13, 2024
Congratulations to Councillor Evelyna Dhamarrandji who won an award for the 2024 Annual NT Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Collaborative Program.
Eastern Cup Basketball Championships
October 8, 2024
We're excited to announce highlights and winners from the 3rd Annual Eastern Cup Basketball Championships.
September 30, 2024
In September, Natashia (Gamanydjan) Curtin visited Ramingining Library for the launch of her children's book 'Just Like You'.
September 23, 2024
Our Animal Management Program team performed a community-wide biosecurity census in Ramingining and Galiwin'ku to target animal health concerns and keep an eye out for any potential biosecurity threats.
September 18, 2024
Earlier this month the East Arnhem Regional Council (EARC) team got involved with ' Conquer the Corrugations ' and ' R U OK? ' to raise awareness on Mental Health. The EARC Animal Management Team participated in the annual charity walk ' East Arnhem Conquer the Corrugations '. This 30km walk is aimed at raising awareness and reducing the stigma around mental health disorders. Over 200 people participated in the walk along the Central Arnhem Road. Multiple ' R U OK? ' events were celebrated in the EARC Offices. 'R U OK?' encourages meaningful conversations with friends, family members, colleagues, partners, or teammates to support them through life's ups and downs every day. A big thanks to our wonderful team who helped organise. For more information on the mental health crisis in the Veterinary industry visit: For more information on the charity walk, 'Conquer the Corrugations', visit: For more information on 'R U OK?' visit: In the picture (L to R) Vet Nurse Sarah, Vet Nurse Jess, Dr Susannah and Dr Kathleen
2024 AFL X Regional Championship Under 15 Girls at Ramingining
September 9, 2024
Thanks to the Ramingining community for hosting the 2024 AFL X Regional Championship Under 15 Girls. The event was a big success with fantastic AFL action from Milingimbi, Yirrkala, Gapuwiyak, Galiwin’ku and Ramingining players. Congratulations to the eventual winners, the combined Gapuwiyak and Yirrkala girls team, beating the combined Milingimbi and Ramingining girls team 81 to 50. Well done to all the players involved. A very big thank you to Matt from AFL Northern Territory for co-hosting the event and umpiring throughout the day, Tehanee from Yirrkala Stars for scoring the event and supporting the Yirrkala girls, and Michala Garawirrtja for supporting the Gapuwiyak girls. Also, thanks to ALPA for catering our healthy meals throughout the weekend. Lastly, thanks to our amazing Youth Sport and Recreation (YSR) staff for your leadership and hard work leading up to the event and throughout the day.
September 5, 2024
The new Gapuwiyak Youth Centre and Library was established by East Arnhem Regional Council’s Youth Sport and Recreation (YSR) program and The Wapurarr’ Place, a unique youth mental health service within YSR. The Centre was funded by the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme (AACAP), and is the first of its kind in Gapuwiyak, aiming to be a place of learning and exploration for young people and the broader Community. Strong literacy supports good psychosocial wellbeing, while low literacy is associated with an increased risk of poor psychosocial outcomes. Young people attending Wapurarr’ Place library activities are supported by staff who guide and encourage them to challenge themselves, through developing persistence, frustration/distress tolerance, and self-efficacy – skills associated with positive psychosocial outcomes. Through the Wapurarr’ Place and YSR, children love learning about the world, the positive support from our staff, the satisfaction of challenging themselves and having their own efforts encouraged and acknowledged. In just a year, staff are already seeing the positive impact Gapuwiyak Youth Centre and Library is having on literacy and English language scores, and enthusiasm towards literacy in the Community. East Arnhem Regional Council is excited to see how this program continues to develop in the coming year.
A Coordinator with three kids playing a card game.
August 27, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council is pleased to announce our new 'Youth Chillout Space' in Milingimbi is open. The newly renovated space inside the Youth, Sport and Recreation Hall at Milingimbi has a great selection of books, games, 3 computer stations, a large TV and lots of comfortable furnishings. The new space has been open for several weeks now, with young people enjoying a range of low energy activities delivered by the East Arnhem Regional Council Youth Sport and Recreation team. We also welcome parents and caregivers to attend the space with their children. Thanks to WTD Constructions who completed the renovation works and to our Youth Sport and Recreation Coordinator Osiah Dhawaymirr and former Youth Support Coordinator Daniel Hughes for getting the program set up and running.
August 16, 2024
Here are a few highlights from our Animal Management team's recent visits to Gapuwiyak and Yathalamarra Homeland. In July, Dr Susannah and Vet Nurses Jess and Sarah visited Gapuwiyak. They were joined by visiting Vet Dr Kathleen and two students from Melbourne University, Taylor and Cailin. Working as a team, they performed 44 surgeries over four days to ensure these animals in Community were healthy. They also administered over 100 parasite treatments to help protect the animals and prevent the spreading of parasites such as scabies and hookworms. More recently in August, Dr Susannah and Vet Nurse Jess worked in collaboration with Dinybulu Regional Services to provide veterinary care to the animals of Yathalamarra Homeland. The people of Yathalamarra gave a warm welcome to the team. With help from the Dinybulu Rangers, Marcus and Scott, the team hand out parasite prevention to every dog in the Community. In addition, our vets were able to offer animal desexing. Image 1 (left to right): Jess, Kailin, Dr Susannah, Taylor, Dr Kathleen, Sarah Image 2: Two kittens from Gapuwiyak Image 3 (left to right): Dinybulu Rangers Marcus and Scott and EARC Vet Nurse Jess giving out parasite prevention to the local dogs Image 4: Dr Susannah at our mobile surgery unit
August 8, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council was pleased to take more than 60 students from Nhulunbuy High School to the GARMA Festival 2024. They arrived for the Welcome and Opening of Key Forum and were able to participate in multiple activities throughout the day including the 'Education Expo & Cultural Activities' and 'The Dhupuma College Legacy, Looking Up, Looking Forward' creative forum. Big thanks to Culture College for the fantastic workshops. The GARMA Festival, hosted by the Yothu Yindi Foundation showcases traditional miny’tji (art), manikay (song), bunggul (dance) and story-telling. This was a great opportunity for students to engage, learn and celebrate Yolngu Life and Culture. Thanks to our superstar East Arnhem Regional Council team who assisted today: Judi (Sobering Up Shelter Coordinator), Kara (Regional Manager - Children & Library Services), Kiyarnie (Fleet Administration Officer), Renee (Community Patrol Coordinator) and CEO Dale Keehne.
July 29, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council celebrated NAIDOC Week with multiple activities happening throughout the Communities. Here are a few highlights from Gapuwiyak, Milingimbi, Ramingining and Yirrkala. Gapuwiyak marched proudly through the Community and kept the fire burning at the lake with dancing, ground oven and damper cooking. Thanks to Sikeli, from the Youth Sport and Recreation team, who cooked traditional Fijian food for everyone to enjoy. A big shout out to Sammy Marrkula for leading the dancing and sharing his knowledge. ALPA honoured the Community by providing a BBQ in our current ceremony area. The community at Milingimbi came together to celebrate NAIDOC Week with story telling and traditional cooking. Ramingining Aged Care and Disability team and clients, along with other members of the public come together to celebrate NAIDOC Week. At the Yirrkala Childcare we welcomed Mirrkiyawuy Ganambarr to share traditional practices around bush medejin with the children, went on an excursion to Hindle Oval and did lots of NAIDOC inspired crafts. Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud.  Thank you to all the staff at East Arnhem Regional Council , ALPA , Bush Miyalk, CDP, Bufallo Warriors, NT Police and Centrelink. NAIDOC Week, Gapuwiyak, Ramingining, Yirrkala, 7 -14 July 2024
July 24, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council held a special Citizenship Ceremony yesterday at Groote Eylandt Lodge. This ceremony celebrated and welcomed 6 new Australians. East Arnhem Regional Council has a long-standing tradition of organising these citizenship ceremonies. The ceremonies serve as a milestone for individuals who embrace and positively contribute to the diverse fabric of Australia. Deputy President Jason Mirritjawuy and CEO Dale Keehne welcomed the new citizens: Ana, Samiuela, Tyson, Yvanah, Ezekiel and Anh. Deputy President Jason Mirritjawuy was the presiding officer and presented the new citizens with their Australian Citizenship Certificate. Citizenship Ceremony, Alyangula, 23 July 2024
July 19, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council was joined by the Crocodile Island Rangers, CDP and residents to help clean up the litter that had blown across the mud flats at Milingimbi. Big thanks everyone who joined us and to Keep Australia Beautiful NT for the donation of the litter tongs to assist with Community events like this. "It’s wonderful to see the community coming together to Keep Country Beautiful! A big thank you to the East Arnhem Regional Council, the Crocodile Island Rangers, CDP, and all the residents who participated in the Milingimbi Clean Up Day" - Keep Australian Beautiful Council NT, via Facebook Milingimbi Clean Up Day, Milingimbi, 10 July 2024
July 18, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council representatives were recently invited to attend the Investiture Ceremony for Councillor Kaye Thurlow’s appointment to the ‘Member of the Order’ (AM), in the General Division of the Order of Australia. The invitation was extended by His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie AO PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, and Ms Ruth Jones with the ceremony being held in Galiwin’ku. The award is in recognition of Cr Kaye Thurlow’s remarkable dedication and service to the communities of East Arnhem Land. These include her years as a teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal at Shepherdson College and her tireless work on numerous committees and boards. Additionally, Kaye is also the longest serving Councillor of East Arnhem Regional Council, including serving as Council President and Deputy President over several years. CEO Dale Keehne was joined at the Investiture by President Lapulung Dhamarrandji, Kaye’s fellow Councillors and Director - Council Services, Signe Balodis. Congratulations Kaye on this award recognising your outstanding contributions. Congratulations Councillor Kaye Thurlow AM. Investiture Ceremony, Galiwin'ku, 11 July 2024
July 4, 2024
The four-day camp provided participants with a variety of engaging activities delivered at the Garma site.
July 4, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council celebrated Midawarr Day Out at the Gove Peninsula Surf Life-Saving Club along with multiple Aged and Disability services throughout East Arnhem. We were pleased to have 29 clients from our Aged Care and NDIS services attended from 5 Communities including Galiwin'ku, Gapuwiyak, Milingimbi, Ramingining and Yirrkala. It was wonderful to see everyone come together for a day of activities, games and dance. The East Arnhem Regional Council team put together a banner inviting attendees to contribute by add their handprint to the banner. Thank you to everyone who attended and a big shout out to our superstar team: Aaron, Ayla, Brenda, Cameron, Isabella, Jef, Justin, Kelda, Kelly, Marie, Marshella, Melanie, Pauline, Sen, Sylvia, Tay and Tracy. Midawarr Day Out 2024, Friday 7 June
July 1, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council marks the loss of significant leader Mr T. Wurramarrba.
June 28, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council adopted the Budget for the 2024-2025 financial year and the Regional Plan for 2024-2025 at its Ordinary Council Meeting held on Thursday, 27 June 2024. You can obtain copies of the 2024-2025 Regional Plan and Budget: by downloading from view in hard copy at any of Council’s Service Delivery Centres and the Regional Office by telephoning (08) 8986 8986 or emailing
By Justine David June 14, 2024
Highlights from recent Community Visits and Local Authority Meetings with East Arnhem Regional Council’s CEO Dale Keehne. It was great to engage again with Communities, Local Authority Members and Councillors, as we do regularly. Here are a few key highlights: - Productive discussions with Council staff working in Communities across Aged and Disability Service, Youth Sport and Recreation, Child Care, Post, Community Patrol, Libraries, Environment & Waste Management and Municipal Services - Engaging meetings with Local Authority Members and Councillors to address community needs - Insightful conversations about Councils Youth Strategy A huge thank you to all the Council staff, Local Authority Members, and councillors for their time, insights, and commitment, as always. Working Together, Standing Strong! East Arnhem Regional Council services nine Communities: Angurugu, Galiwin’ku, Gapuwiyak, Gunyangara, Milingimbi, Milyakburra, Ramingining, Umbakumba and Yirrkala.
By Justine David May 13, 2024
Community Call: Let's positively shape our youth's future
By Justine David March 13, 2024
The results of the Birr Rawarrang Ward and Gumurr Marthakal Ward By Elections that was held on Thursday 29 February 2024 has been finalised. In both Wards, three candidates contested the election for one Councillor vacancy and by securing the majority of votes, David Warraya and Stephen Malwarriwuy Dhamarrandji are duly elected as Birr Rawarrang Ward and Gumurr Marthala Ward Councillors.
By Justine David March 8, 2024
As we commemorate International Women's Day on March 8th, 2024, East Arnhem Regional Council (EARC) proudly stands at the forefront of promoting gender equality, diversity, and inclusion within our organisation and the wider community. This year, under the banner of #CountHerIn, we celebrate the invaluable contributions of women in the Council, reaffirming our commitment to fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and succeed, regardless of gender.
By Justine David March 5, 2024
These organisations - the Northern Territory Government, Australian Government (National Indigenous Australians Agency), East Arnhem Regional Council, and the Northern Land Council (NLC) - are sharing this information with both Yolŋu and Balanda communities. The NT Government, Council, and NLC have been working to locate areas containing asbestos on Elcho Island. This effort aims to develop strategies ensuring the safety of both Yolŋu and Balanda residents from the health risks associated with asbestos exposure. Asbestos fibers can cause serious illnesses, but the risk is significantly lower if you avoid contact with it. Nonetheless, understanding this issue is crucial for safeguarding your family's well-being. To identify asbestos sites in Galiwin’ku, the NT Government, Council, and NLC enlisted the expertise of Agon Environmental, a specialised organisation in asbestos detection and cleanup. Agon Environmental conducted surveys on Elcho Island and documented the locations where asbestos was found. The resulting report from Agon Environmental, funded by the NT Government, Council, and NLC, has been shared with the Australian Government as well. This comprehensive report outlines the locations of asbestos on Elcho Island and provides guidance on creating safety plans for Yolŋu and Balanda families. These reports will be soon accessible on the council website. Asbestos was found on the ground in various places around Elcho Island, believed to originate from old houses constructed with asbestos-containing materials. In the past, before 2009, some workers improperly disposed of asbestos by leaving it on the ground after demolishing old houses, rather than in a secure location. Over time, natural events such as storms and cyclones have dispersed some of this asbestos within the community.
By Justine David March 1, 2024
With great sorrow Council marks the passing of Mr Wunungmurra, Chairman of the Arnhem Land Progress Association, and brother to Councillors Bobby Wunungmurra and Bandi Bandi Wunungmurra. President Lapulung Dhamarrandji has stated “This is a shattering moment for losing a man who had such integrity in his heart.” Out of our deep respect Council has closed all operations across the nine communities, and the Nhulunbuy Regional Support and Darwin Support offices. All flags across all nine communities are being flown at half mast from now until the end of next week. Our thoughts are with all the families, kin and all who knew and deeply respected this great man.
By Justine David February 22, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council Birr Rawarrang Ward by-election 1 Position available Candidates in order on ballot paper Gadiki Gawinygawiny David Warraya Gerald Yawulkpuy 
By Justine David February 5, 2024
East Arnhem Regional Council Birr Rawarrang Ward by-election - Candidate nominations now open Where do I get a nomination form? • NT Electoral Commission website: • East Arnhem Regional Council: Ramingining Where do I lodge the nomination form? • East Arnhem Regional Council: Ramingining • Email: Nominations close 12pm on Friday 9 February You must be enrolled in the East Arnhem Regional Council area to nominate as a candidate.
By Justine David December 19, 2023
We are thrilled to share the highlights of this special day, marking the official inauguration of the Nhulunbuy Mural. This collective artwork captures the essence of East Arnhem Land and its people. Thanks again to everyone who participated in making this project happen, Rirratjingu Aboriginal Corporation for their Welcome to Country and Vet in a Van for assisting with documenting through photos and videos.
By Justine David December 4, 2023
Historical significance
By Justine David November 7, 2023
At this historic and challenging time, let's move forward together.
By Justine David November 2, 2023
Thank you to all who attended the official launch of the East Arnhem Regional Mural in Nhulunbuy.
By Justine David October 26, 2023
Yesterday, 25th of October, marked a special moment as the East Arnhem Regional Council unveiled the mural in Nhulunbuy! After dedicating two years to this project, we were thrilled to finally celebrate the final result with the community! This mural is a special tribute to the people, culture, and natural beauty that make the region of East Arnhem unique. We take great pride in and extend our heartfelt thanks for this collective effort. More photographs from the inauguration will be published soon.
By Nawshaba Razzak October 13, 2023
This week our Veterinarian/Animal Control Manager Dr Madeleine Kelso attended the 'Big Hairy People and Pets Summit & Workshops' on the Gold Coast. The conference was organised by the Australian Institute of Animal Management, G2Z and AMRRIC. The theme of the conference was 'Breaking Down Barriers' with international speakers talking about many topics including community engagement, supporting disadvantaged pet owners keeping themselves and their pets healthy and dog behaviour and aggression. East Arnhem Regional Council are thrilled to announce that our program won the award for best 'Regional and Remote Animal Management Program or Initiative'. This is a nationally recognised award from the Australian Institute of Animal Management and the team is so proud of the work they do to help our families and their animals in the East Arnhem region.
By Justine David October 11, 2023
East Arnhem Regional Council recently organised an event to mark the installation of new lighting at the Ramingining Oval, a project that commenced in July and has now been completed.
By Justine David October 4, 2023
Joyleen Bara Bara, our dedicated Umbakumba Early Childhood Educator, has been nominated in the "Outstanding Aboriginal Educator" category for the Northern Territory Education and Care Awards. The NT Education and Care Awards recognise the outstanding contributions of early childhood educators who consistently provide quality learning opportunities and show a deep commitment to the well-being of Northern Territory children and their families. Joyleen recently attended the awards ceremony in Darwin and was honoured as a finalist. This achievement reflects her years of service and unwavering dedication to the children, families, and the Umbakumba community.
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